Heart Health Resources

Heart Health Resources2023-05-03T16:04:10+00:00

3 Kinds of Exercise That Boost Heart Health

Source: Johns Hopkins Medicine

Being physically active is a major step toward good heart health. It’s one of your most effective tools for strengthening the heart muscle, keeping your weight under control and warding off the artery damage from high cholesterol, high blood sugar and high blood pressure that can lead to heart attack or stroke.

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What Is Heart-Healthy Living?

Source: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Insitute


Heart-healthy living involves understanding your risk, making healthy choices, and taking steps to reduce your chances of getting heart disease, including coronary heart disease, the most common type. By taking preventive measures, you can lower your risk of developing heart disease that could lead to a heart attack. You can also improve your overall health and well-being.

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